June 19th - First time shooting with Jessica. Fun, beautiful and created some great images. Definitely looking forward to shoot number 2! Here is a couple, if your on Model Mayhem more are available there. I'll post round two in a few days!
Backtracking a little, I managed to get two pretty good images out of my boys. Both are a bit reluctant most of the time to pose, but pose they did today. We were on the way to Nana and Papa's (My dad and step-moms) for the weekend and I captured these at a small park we stopped at on the way over to the Peninsula.
Ok so I have been way behind the ball on the blog thing, choosing to spend more time on Facebook and Twitter. But frequently need an outlet for images. There are limits to what I can post on my main gallery and in various online portfolios but miss out getting some of those other images out there. This blog will primarily be for those images as well as the occasion tip, suggestion or miscellaneous rambling with regards to photography, digital imaging and printing.
Hopefully I will be able to keep focused and keep this updated with some regularity!